The Great British Circus Malaysia Performance

The Great British Circus Malaysia Performance is here at IOI Mall Puchong from 10 Nov - 1 Jan 2018. If you have not seen it or do not have plans this coming school holidays, you can bring your family here because this is a fun-filled circus performance with lots of gravity defying acrobatic acts, dances, a funny clown and lots more to entertain your family, young and old.

My children and I had the privilege to watch this awesome and impressive performance thanks to Puchong News and (Online/ Digital Marketing Specialist) for the tickets to the Great British Circus Malaysia.

My son loved the clown the most because he was very funny with all his silly acts. He made everyone laughed. My son was asked to perform on stage with the clown but he was too shy.

 Two performers on the spinning wheel doing dangerous acts.

Photo with Spiderman and Monsters Inc. characters

Singing and dancing performances in between circus acts to entertain the audience.

One of my favorite acts is the acrobatic performance shown in the video below. These performers did very difficult acts to entertain everyone there.

Another dangerous act is the Globe Of Death act. There were 2 motorbikes first and then 4 motorbikes in the globe going at a very fast speed. My heart was beating fast because this act looked really dangerous. 

Globe Of Death performers

Come and bring your family here for some great fun and entertainment this school holidays. It is at a big tent outside IOI Mall Puchong from 10 Nov - 1 Jan 2018. Show time is at 8.30pm Tuesday - Thursday and 5.30pm and 8.30pm Friday - Sunday. 

To find out more about the Great British Circus Malaysia, please visit their FACEBOOK.